The quiet act of remembering (detail)
The quiet act of remembering (detail)

One of four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each


 (detail)  One of four linocuts on kozo paper  11" x 15" each  2022


One of four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each


 (detail)  One of four linocuts on kozo paper  11" x 15" each  2022


One of four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each


 (detail)  One of four linocuts on kozo paper  11" x 15" each  2022


One of four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each


The quiet act of remembering
The quiet act of remembering

Four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each

maple frame: 28" x 34"


The quiet act of remembering (sequence)
The quiet act of remembering (sequence)

Four linocuts on kozo paper.

11” x 15” each

Fern Memory Progression_detail 2.jpg
Fern Memory Progression_detail1.jpg
Sensitive Ferns
Sensitive Ferns

Sensitive Ferns is a series of prints created at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts in the Summer of 2022.  

All unique artist prints.

Printed on various printmaking papers and sizes.

Sensitive Ferns_Faded Blu_2023_Size.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Faded Blue Black_2023_Size.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Faded Indigo_2023_Size.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Indigo_2023_SIze.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Indigo on Gray_2023_11x15.png
72dpibrighterSensitive Ferns_Icy Blue on Gray_2023_15x11.png
Sensitive Ferns_Icy Blue on Gray_2023_15x11.png
Sensitive Ferns_Faded Sketch_2023_Size.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Light Blue_2023_Size.png
01_Miller_Raquel_Sensitive Ferns_2022.jpeg
02_Miller_Raquel_Ferns and Fireflies_2022.jpeg
03_Miller_Raquel_Haystack Ferns_2022.jpeg
Sensitiver Ferns (Painting Study)
Sensitiver Ferns (Painting Study)

Acrylic on paper

9” x 12”


The quiet act of remembering (detail)
 (detail)  One of four linocuts on kozo paper  11" x 15" each  2022
 (detail)  One of four linocuts on kozo paper  11" x 15" each  2022
 (detail)  One of four linocuts on kozo paper  11" x 15" each  2022
The quiet act of remembering
The quiet act of remembering (sequence)
Fern Memory Progression_detail 2.jpg
Fern Memory Progression_detail1.jpg
Sensitive Ferns
Sensitive Ferns_Faded Blu_2023_Size.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Faded Blue Black_2023_Size.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Faded Indigo_2023_Size.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Indigo_2023_SIze.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Indigo on Gray_2023_11x15.png
72dpibrighterSensitive Ferns_Icy Blue on Gray_2023_15x11.png
Sensitive Ferns_Icy Blue on Gray_2023_15x11.png
Sensitive Ferns_Faded Sketch_2023_Size.jpg
Sensitive Ferns_Light Blue_2023_Size.png
01_Miller_Raquel_Sensitive Ferns_2022.jpeg
02_Miller_Raquel_Ferns and Fireflies_2022.jpeg
03_Miller_Raquel_Haystack Ferns_2022.jpeg
Sensitiver Ferns (Painting Study)
The quiet act of remembering (detail)

One of four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each



One of four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each



One of four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each



One of four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each


The quiet act of remembering

Four linocuts on kozo paper

11" x 15" each

maple frame: 28" x 34"


The quiet act of remembering (sequence)

Four linocuts on kozo paper.

11” x 15” each

Sensitive Ferns

Sensitive Ferns is a series of prints created at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts in the Summer of 2022.  

All unique artist prints.

Printed on various printmaking papers and sizes.

Sensitiver Ferns (Painting Study)

Acrylic on paper

9” x 12”


show thumbnails